Als Product Manager naar een Change Management opleiding...

Als Product Manager naar een Change Management opleiding...

Recently, I earned my Prosci Change Practitioner Certification (hooray!), and my suspicion was confirmed. Until now, I’ve relied on my gut feeling to introduce a ‘change’ approach where necessary. But apparently, that ‘gut feeling’ was largely based on my Product Management expertise, which I was intuitively applying. With my new certification in hand, I can…

Cracking The Code to Effective User Research (EN)

Cracking The Code to Effective User Research (EN)

During a workshop, people were asked what choices they consider when selecting a new pair of shoes. One participant, in particular, provided some valuable insights. When asked about the most important consideration, he didn’t hesitate to respond, stating that fit was his top priority. Intrigued, the facilitator continued the conversation by asking him about his…

Increasing fan engagement at the Royal Belgian Football Association (EN)
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Increasing fan engagement at the Royal Belgian Football Association (EN)

The fast changing context of RBFA The Royal Belgian Football Association (RBFA) is the largest sports federation in Belgium, based in Tubize. Founded in 1895, it is responsible for all national football teams, including the men’s, women’s, boys, girls, futsal and mini football teams. RBFA services about 4.000 Belgian football clubs.Belgian football is a daily…

How to thrive by making change stick (EN)

How to thrive by making change stick (EN)

Change is inevitable in today’s fast-paced business environment. Whether it’s implementing new technologies, changing business processes, or adapting to market conditions, organizations must be able to navigate change effectively to remain competitive. Too often companies focus on the technical implementation of a new system, process or product and change management is only seen as a…