Change is inevitable in today’s fast-paced business environment. Whether it’s implementing new technologies, changing business processes, or adapting to market conditions, organizations must be able to navigate change effectively to remain competitive.

Too often companies focus on the technical implementation of a new system, process or product and change management is only seen as a secondary concern (if it is even considered at all). After having led many digital transformations, one thing has become very clear, it is essential to address the human side of change, it’s often even the key differentiator between success and failure. Without proper change management, even the best-designed systems or processes can fail due to human resistance or poor adoption.

Never forget a digital transformation is ultimately all about people. By keeping a focus on the people involved you increase the chances of the change being accepted and being sustainable in the long run

So how to get started with change management?

Based on years of experience, we defined a 5-step approach to change management, which puts the people at the center of change. We believe this approach makes sure the change sticks.

Define your change vision & strategy

Create a solid change plan

Communicate & Engage!

Prepare individuals & organization

Embed in culture

It all starts with having a clear change vision and strategy

What is the need and urgency for change? What will the transformation achieve? How will it impact the processes and systems? But especially, how will it impact the people? Clearly defining and communicating the change vision is crucial in order for everyone to understand where the organization is headed and why.

Create a solid change management plan

Any new initiative, no matter how well-planned and/or executed, will face resistance from employees or customers who are used to doing things a certain way. Identify who are the key stakeholders, understand their concerns and motivations and develop a plan that addresses these concerns. A solid plan should include a comprehensive communication plan that clearly defines who needs to be informed about what, when, and how. This ensures that everyone involved in the transformation is on the same page and has a clear understanding of the goals, timeline, and the impact on their work. Make sure your plan is a two-way communication, where stakeholders have a voice and can provide feedback.

Build momentum through communication & engagement

Desire and buy-in of all persons involved are crucial to make your transformation successful.

Communicate clearly and frequently throughout the change process. Clear communication will build awareness of the need for change and create a desire to support the change, it also helps to build trust and credibility for the project.

Engage stakeholders early in the process through regular meetings, feedback mechanisms and involvement in decision-making. By giving stakeholders a voice, you increase buy-in and ownership, and you make people feel valued and invested in the success of the transformation. Additionally, it can help to identify potential roadblocks early on, so they can be addressed before they potentially become major issues.

As a change manager, it is important to be hands-on and pragmatic. Focus on what works and what is practical, while never losing focus on the people involved.

Prepare individuals and the organization

Identify potential skill gaps and training needs. Make sure your training program does not only build knowledge through theoretical sessions, but foresee sufficient practical exercises to really build the new required skills and to increase user’s ability to implement the change at go live. It is recommended to assess potential disruptions to operations at go live, and to plan for necessary support mechanisms to be in place.

Make the change stick by embedding in your culture

Change is not a one-time event, it’s an ongoing process. Therefore, it is important to make the change part of the organization’s culture and way of doing things. Create a supportive environment by continuing communication, celebrating achievements, recognizing efforts and continuous learning and feedback. Doing so change has more chance to stick in the long term, behind the project’s boundaries.


At Y squared, we believe that properly managing change by focusing on the people involved is critical to the success of any digital transformation initiative to prevent delays, increased costs or decreased productivity. Therefore, we advise you to take the time to develop a solid change plan before embarking on your digital transformation, and you’ll be on your way to success.